Today is AMAs day! Remember the biggest surprises of major award shows

Today is AMAs day! Remember the biggest surprises of major award shows


Anyone who loves watching award ceremonies already knows that the American Music Awards (AMAs) are taking place today. Few things are more enjoyable than seeing those expensive and extravagant clothes while you have that bowl full of popcorn in your hand. However, the night becomes even more interesting when someone makes a mistake. Let's remember the main big award shows of recent years?

Of course we should not wish any of them to happen. But whoever has never laughed at a stumble should cast the first stone. In any case, it won't be a gaffe or a mistake that will end the talent and fame of any famous person, will it? So let's get to our list!


big award shows
Remember the great unforgettable awards shows! (Photo: Disclosure)

List of the 5 funniest big award show jokes

1. Jennifer Lopez's fall at the 2009 American Music Awards

Let's start our list with something that happened at the AMAs, after all the event will take place today! Jennifer Lopez was performing her song “Louboutins” and, during one part of the choreography, she had to get on the back of one of her dancers. They had formed a ladder and she needed to jump from the last “step”.

As you can imagine, that's when disaster struck. She jumped, but her landing was unsuccessful. She fell, but got up and pretended nothing happened. Even so, the fact is still remembered today, so much so that it is on our list!


2. Kayne West's jab at Taylor Swift

This thing is one of those things where we feel bad for the other person. It happened at the MTV VMAs while Taylor Swift was speaking after receiving an award for her success. You Belong with Me. Kanye West came on stage, took the microphone from the singer's hand and said he was happy for her, but the person who should have been awarded was the singer Beyoncé, who was competing with the song Single Ladies. This is one of the biggest awards shows that is super embarrassing, isn't it?

3. Jennifer Lawrence's fall

Let's now move on to another Jennifer's fall. This time at the 2013 Oscars. The actress was awarded Best Actress for the film “Silver Linings Playbook”. It was only when she started to climb the stage stairs that the actress lost her balance and fell. Since then, the actress has been marked by gaffes. But, even though she is a little clumsy, she is still loved by her fans!

4. Miss Universe 2015 coronation error

It’s impossible not to remember this little guy, right? Now this was the fault of the presenter of the 2015 Miss Universe event. He announced the name of Colombian Ariadna Gutiérrez when saying who the winner was and, even after she had already been crowned, he communicated her mistake. In fact, the winner was the Filipina Pia Wurtzbach. The result of this was that climactic situation when it came to taking the crown off the Colombian's head. A joke that no one will forget.

5. Confusion in awarding Moonlight

A very similar episode was the award ceremony for Moonlight. At the 2017 Oscars, the presenter called the team To the land to the stage to receive the award for Best Film. However, after that, he announced the error of the event organizers, who gave him the wrong envelope. Who had won the statuette was the team of Moonlight. Another climax to the story.

We do News Folha We hope you had fun remembering the main big award shows of history! If you want to read more articles about humor, keep following our website!

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