What's new in iPhone 11?

What's new in iPhone 11?


It wasn't long ago that the iPhone 11 It arrived in stores and is already making waves for several reasons. You probably already know what it looks like, as the new camera design is different and super distinguishable from other Apple devices. However, do you know what those “balls” are for? 

If you are not yet aware of the innovations that came with the new version of Apple's sales success, you can let the News Folha brings this information to you below. Overall, as we already said in another article, the most interesting part about the device is actually the cameras.


iPhone 11
Find out more about the iPhone 11! (Photo: Disclosure)

Iphone 11 innovations compared to previous versions

Perhaps the following information may shock you a little. In terms of innovation, this is not Apple's best move. O iPhone 11 It has barely arrived and the prediction is that people will not buy it with the same avidity as always. 

According to comments from the public and many retailers, the number of innovations brought by the device does not justify the high price and an immediate exchange. 


Right away, the first thing we can say about the new versions of the device, which vary depending on the screen size, is that there is indeed a significant change when it comes to the way you take photos. This is a feature that, obviously, caught the attention of influencers and other content producers. 

Now photographs can be taken with a super-wide lens, which is angular and gives a greater sense of dimension to scenes. In addition, it has a 4x optical zoom and a night mode that increases the quality of photographs taken at night. 

However, when we start to analyze the other functions of the iPhone 11, we did not find other innovations that are actually innovative in terms of the system. Therefore, it does not seem very attractive for the average consumer to buy a new cell phone just because the camera improves the quality of the photos. 

Additionally, many consumers are noticing that, in many cases, it is not worth purchasing a iPhone 11 because the device delivers less than many phones from other brands that run Android. 

This is a dangerous finding for Apple, as one of its biggest differentiators, which is iOS, is no longer beneficial to consumers. It is even said that Apple is already behind brands like Samsung and Huawei when it comes to innovation. Until recently, saying something like this was unthinkable!

Final comments on purchasing an iPhone 11

In conclusion, we hope that this article has helped you develop a critical sense when it comes to the way you spend your money. Just because you heard about the newest innovation that brings the iPhone 11 that this is the best phone on the market in terms ofwhich concerns innovation. 

However, it is important to consider that if you are already an Apple user, it makes sense to continue following the innovations that the brand brings to its products. Therefore, it is important that you do your research to find out whether or not it is advantageous to purchase the 11 iPhone. After all, whatYou are the one who dictates what is relevant.

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