10 apps that can help you achieve your 2023 goals

10 apps that can help you achieve your 2023 goals


With the advent of modernity, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain personal organization. In this sense, it is important to realize that organizing the areas of our lives can be a key factor in achieving the goals we desire and a successful life, especially the 2023 goals.

In short, it is common for us to ignore some very important aspects that happen every day and which, perhaps, are responsible for getting in the way of the path that leads to the place where you want to be.


2023 goals
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We often wonder how so many successful people managed to achieve everything they have. The fact is that if we ask them if there is some kind of secret to this, most will say something certain: organization.

It must be considered that there is no magic recipe, it is true. However, some tools available on the internet can help us in this process.


Whether it’s a routine with well-established schedules, a note with the main professional goals, a financial spreadsheet… Anyway, there are countless possibilities that can guide us and help us achieve our 2023 goals.

10 apps that can help you achieve your 2023 goals

With these aspects in mind, we have selected for you 10 of the best applications that can help you achieve your goals in 2023. Check out the best possibilities to make your 2023 goals come true in practice:


The first app to help you achieve your 2023 goals that we bring is Monday based on the idea of ​​tables, the app is a project management, organization of workflows.

Totally intuitive, it uses colors to demonstrate the phases within a project and which one it is in, making the day-to-day life of work teams and individual projects easier.

Furthermore, Monday is a platform that allows what we call automations, that is, integration with several other applications, optimizing the user experience.

Therefore, within it, it is possible to access a series of information at once, be they documents, notes and project specifications.

The platform also offers the possibility of creating specific folders that give access to the information necessary for those involved in the execution of a given project.

Bringing security to the user, being able to access their own projects and those of their company with their data protected outside the work environment.

2. Google Calendar

The second application to help you achieve your 2023 goals that we will show you is Google Calendar, from the company Google. Using this app, you can quickly schedule meetings and events and receive reminders about your activities.

According to the developers, this platform was created for individual use and teams, to make it easier to share your calendar with others and create multiple shared-use calendars.

 The app is available for Android and iPhone phones (iOS). Through the application it is possible to access a free online calendar, composed of the user's routine, allowing you to add important events, to-do reminders, and even desired activities.

It is also possible to synchronize calendars from multiple Google accounts to the organization app, in order to control different activities in the same environment. 

3. Google Keep

Another tool to help you achieve your 2023 goals is Google Keep, which helps very well with the tasks we need to perform. Google Keep is a free application available for Android and IOS with several features for you to create your personalized reminders.

Through it, it is possible to integrate Google services, which include Google Calendar and Google Docs in a single application. In short, the app has several features for users to take notes, create lists, record audio, transcribe messages and others.

What sets Google Keep apart from other apps of its kind is the offering of special features, such as an audio transcriber, ordering of notes by themes and colors, a real-time search tool and integration with other applications.

4 Todoist

The next option to help you achieve your 2023 goals is the Todoist app, which can be understood as an application or platform for organizing tasks and helping with productivity.

Through it, you can keep track of all the tasks you have performed and those you need to complete.

5. Google Optimizet

Another Google option is Google Optimize, a perfect tool for Digital Marketing professionals and enthusiasts, functioning as a website optimization platform aimed at professionals in the field, as well as web designers.

The app allows for continuous testing with different combinations of website elements that help increase visitor conversion rates and overall satisfaction. Therefore, it is a tool that can be used at various stages of the sales funnel.

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6. Trello

The next tool to help you achieve your 2023 goals is Trello, an application that provides several resources for managing projects of different types, it is software that is available in mobile and web versions.

Trello's tools are excellent for anyone who wants to be more productive when it comes to professional organization.

7. asana

Another task management application for you and your work environment with cloud storage is Asana, a software that enables better organization, management, communication and collaboration in a company's tasks.

This application can be used by companies of any size, and can handle several projects at the same time, so if you are just starting out, it could be an interesting path.

Created in 2008 by Dustin Moskovitz, co-founder of Facebook, and software engineer Justin Rosenstein, the application emerged after they both realized the need to coordinate teams more effectively within the social network's operations.

8. OneNote

The next application to help achieve your 2023 goals is a development from Microsoft. OneNote is a type of digital notepad that also helps a lot to make your routine more organized so that you can keep your commitments. 

9. HabitBull

Another task organizer tool to help you achieve your 2023 goals is HabitBull, with it you can set goals and create reminders for your tasks.

What sets it apart from other apps is the fact that you can establish the number of times you want to perform that habit, whether per day, month or just a few days a week.

This way it is possible to create consistent habits through consistency, allowing you to monitor your progress through graphs with percentage of success.

10. Pocket Guide

The last and certainly not least tool to help you achieve your 2023 goals, Guia Bolso is an application to help with personal financial control.

Unlike the previous options, it has functions for those who want to keep an eye on excessive spending and set savings goals. Through the application it is possible to categorize expenses, create performance graphs, as well as allowing you to check your balance, statement and card bill.

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