How to Increase the Nubank Card Limit?

How to Increase the Nubank Card Limit?


Firstly, before talking about how to increase the Nubank card limit, it is interesting to highlight a few points. The first is that credit cards can be a great ally, like a great villain, and can have a huge impact on your life. The second concerns the rigorous analysis carried out to release a limit, especially in the case of Nubank.

Increase the Nubank Card Limit


In this sense, many people end up looking for ways to increase the limit on their Nubank card to make larger purchases. However, they end up frustrated because they can't do it.

With this, it is possible to say that there are interesting ways, such as tricks, to increase the Nubank card limit. Below are some tips and information to get more credit limit.


How is the Nubank card limit defined?

Well, before understanding what to do to increase the Nubank card limit, it is necessary to understand how this limit is defined. In general, credit companies and banks are fed by a lot of information. In this sense, with this information, processes occur to stipulate values.

In the case of Nubank, the company carries out a projection of the person's expenses, risk analysis, usage profile and also uses external data, such as credit scores. After all this, a limit is set.

How do I know what my Nubank card limit is?

To find out what your limit is, simply follow the guidelines below:

  1. Open the Nubank Application (Android e iOS) on your cell phone;
  2. Select the “Credit Card” menu;
  3. Slide the screen to the left;
  4. Ready! Your credit limit will appear in green.

How to increase the Nubank card limit?

Firstly, to be able to solidly increase your limit, you will need to apply some “tricks”. Check out the main tips below to achieve this in a simple way:

1. Keep your name clean

Certainly, this is the most important and crucial point to start this list of tips. The first step to increasing your limit is keeping your name clean. To do this, check Serasa to see if there is any outstanding debt, if in doubt.

Furthermore, always pay attention to your score and check it on the Serasa website constantly.

2. Keep your income up to date

Furthermore, the second step is to keep all your data constantly updated, especially in relation to your proof of income. Furthermore, if your income increases, send this information to the Bank, with new proof of income. With this, Nubank will begin to have more confidence in its name.

3. Avoid delays and pay invoices on time

It's nothing new that delaying payments can compromise the reliability of your name. If you didn't know this, now you understand why it's so important to pay your bills on time. Furthermore, if you pay in advance, Nubank will look at you better, believe me.

4. Focus your spending on the Nubank card

We can certainly say that this is one of the best, if not the biggest and best trick to increase your Nubank card limit. If you use other credit cards, in addition to Nubank, focus everything on Nubank only.

The rule is simple: the more you spend on the Nubank card, paying on time, the more they reward you with high limits.

5. Pay bills with the Nubank App

Furthermore, another very interesting point is the fact of paying your bills through the Nubank app, a very positive act. By doing this, you convey a positive image to the Bank, showing that you are a good payer.

How to request a limit increase for the Nubank card

After everything seen in this article, the time has come to request a limit increase. This process can be easily done within the Nubank app. See the step by step:

  1. Open the Nubank app, find and tap “Credit card”;
  2. Then click on “Adjust limit”;
  3. Use the slider to choose a higher or lower value for your current limit;
  4. If you want to request a raise, tap “Request a raise” in the bottom corner;
  5. After that, enter the value of the new limit and confirm the order;
  6. Wait for the institution to respond, letting you know whether or not you got the increase.

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