Celebrities with Coronavirus: how they are treating themselves

Celebrities with Coronavirus: how they are treating themselves


In times of pandemic, we see that there are certain diseases that are not selective. They affect anyone. We say this because compared to AIDS and Ebola, the methods of Coronavirus prevention they involve much more subtle care than we imagine. At this juncture, we chose to talk about the celebrities with Coronavirus. In case you didn't know, Brazilian and international personalities were infected. Actor Tom Hanks and his wife, for example, were the first celebrities to report that they were sick.

When we talk about this, we will also address what type of care people are able to provide at such a sensitive time. Overall, the purpose is to show that, basically, for young and older people, when the disease condition is not serious, rest and isolation are fundamental. Seeing how prominent people are dealing with the issue helps people realize that no one is immune to COVID-19. Furthermore, we become less desperate, but more attentive to prevention measures.


Celebrities with Coronavirus
Celebrities with Coronavirus: find out who they are and what they are doing to contain the disease (Photo: Catraca Livre)

3 famous people with Coronavirus in Brazil: find out who they are!

Preta gil

Cover of our post today, Preta Gil is one of the celebrities with Coronavirus. Gilberto Gil's daughter suspected she might have the disease because she woke up feeling some symptoms: chills, headache, body ache and headache. From the moment the suspicion arose, she placed herself in isolation and will continue to do so until she is released.

by Ferrero

Former NX Zero singer Di Ferrero was also diagnosed with the disease. When canceling the shows he was going to do soon, the singer told his fans that he was sick on his social media. According to him, the main symptoms were headache and discomfort very similar to what we feel when we have the flu. For him, it is important for people to make an effort to identify the symptoms and isolate themselves.


Gabriela Puglia

Finally, we will talk about the first of celebrities with coronavirus in Brazil who went public to say he was sick. She contracted the disease in Trancoso, Bahia, while attending her sister's wedding party. On her social networks, she has been sharing prevention tips and showing what the reality of isolation is like. This way, we can see that when properly diagnosed, the disease can be less lethal than we imagine. Especially when we are supportive and respect the isolation rule!

Photo by the author
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