Diogo Melim on Bianca Andrade: "I would never do anything with the intention of provoking"

Diogo Melim on Bianca Andrade: “I would never do something with the intention of provoking”


Those who are following BBB 20 were probably waiting for some kind of declaration of Diogo Melim about Bianca Andrade. In case you didn't know, Bianca (known by the name 'Boca Rosa' on the internet) is one of the celebrities who is confined in the most watched house in Brazil. Until the start of the program, she was publicly engaged to singer Diogo Melim, a member of the band that bears her surname. However, some events subsequent to the influencer's entry into the program caused problems.

Already in confinement, Bianca met the model Guilherme. Both became very close and, at the moment, are involved in a love triangle with singer Gabi Martins. As is evident, the problems for Diogo and Bianca arise as she appears to be Guilherme's love interest. At a party on the show, Bianca, visibly drunk, even asked the model to move away from her so she wouldn't kiss him. Outside, the controversy led Diogo to delete or archive all the couple's photos on his profile.


Diogo Melim about Bianca Andrade
Check out Diogo Melim's latest statement about Bianca Andrade! (Photo: Starring)

Check out Diogo Melim's statement about Bianca Andrade on Twitter

Despite this, the declaration of Diogo Melim about Bianca Andrade It doesn't have much to do with relationship status. After following participants Gabi (already mentioned) and Rafa Kalimann, the singer was attacked for provoking his girlfriend. This is because the girls don't get along very well with Bianca on the program. Given that there seems to be a crisis in celebrity relationships, following people your girlfriend has issues with seems like a provocation.

However, upon seeing the controversy surrounding his attitude, he made a point of speaking out on the issue. This is even after keeping silent about Bianca and Guilherme's relationship within confinement. According to the singer, he “would never do anything with the intention of provoking, harming or mocking” his girlfriend. He further complemented the statement by saying that, for him, hate is “not an answer to absolutely anything”.


Despite the declaration of Diogo Melim about Bianca Andrade, We will only be able to understand what their relationship will be like when the influencer leaves BBB. In this regard, we remember that she is on the wall that could eliminate a participant from the reality show this Tuesday (25). Stay tuned for this and other celebrity news here on News Folha!

Source: Hugo Gloss

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