Good news: new instant payment method will be launched soon

Good news: new instant payment method will be launched soon


With the arrival of fintechs, banks and financial institutions needed to innovate their online services. Nowadays, people only go to the bank in person to resolve financial services in two situations. Either they are not used to the practicality of online services or the matter is really urgent. For a few years now, we have been able to do a lot of things without leaving home. However, what is already very innovative can actually get better! In today's text, you stay up to date with new instant payment method of Brazil!

This is the Pix electronic payment system, which has just been approved by the central bank. Everything indicates that, with this system, making payments will be much simpler than making the well-known TED and DOC payments. If the Pix payment advertisement is true, payments can be made in up to 10 seconds! Have you ever thought about how flexible and simple it will be to pay someone? Furthermore, you won't have to wait for specific business days and times for the money to arrive. In other words, it’s good news for both those who pay and those who receive!


new instant payment method
Discover Pix payment: the newest instant payment method! (Photo: Serpro)

Discover the new instant payment method that is coming to Brazil

Large Brazilian banks, fintechs and financial institutions with more than 500 thousand customers have until November to adapt to the new instant payment method. So, don't wait to be able to access Pix payment right away. However, you can focus on the fact that the promise is already a reality and, little by little, financial institutions will adapt.

Some other interesting information:


  • QR code: in this modality, payments can be made using the QR Code, which is already used to confirm various types of transactions. For those unfamiliar with this type of technology, this code is like a two-dimensional barcode that can be easily scanned by camera-equipped cell phones.
  • Approach: another way to make Pix payments will be through approach technologies.
  • Cell phone: this is one of the most interesting new features. With this new type of payment, it will be possible to transfer money from one account to another just by entering the recipient's cell phone number!

We hope to have shown how this new instant payment method may be useful for you. Paying a bill, transferring money and paying fees will become much simpler! So, keep an eye out to see if your bank will make the technology available soon.

Source: Infomoney

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